Lynn Glicklich Cohen

Lynn Glicklich Cohen grew up in a suburb of Milwaukee, WI, where, during high school, she wrote poems, personal narratives, and short stories, and learned to play the double bass. After a brief tenure in the Jerusalem Symphony Radio Orchestra, she attended the New England Conservatory of Music, concentrating in double bass performance. From there, she pivoted careers and received a Masters of Social Work from Simmons College in Boston. She practiced as a clinical social worker for several years in Boston and Baltimore before moving to Vermont, where she studied creative writing and ultimately received her MFA in Creative Writing from Emerson College in Boston. Shortly thereafter, she moved to Los Angeles, where she worked as an office grunt, dog walker, massage therapist, and Certified Advanced Rolfer™. In 2014 she returned home to Milwaukee, where she plays cello, practices Rolfing®, walks her dog on the shores of Lake Michigan, feeds backyard birds, squirrels and other varmints, swims in clean cool pools whenever she can, and reads & writes poetry.